
Monday, December 29, 2008

This guy is a moron.

Apparently, Israel is raining on Gaza, not for the Qassam rockets, but because a thief got caught.

So ... he's arguing the eternal money-grasping Jew, sixty three years after the closure of Auschwitz.

You know, I'm a Roman Catholic by birth, raising, and temperment, but a piece of pornography like this is motivation to conversion, and enlistment in the IDF.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mrs LivinInAmerica is currently watching "Spain...on the road Again." She invited me down to the living room to watch it with her. Within 10 minutes my anus was leaking that orange discharge usually associated with normal consumption of escolar, I was having dry heaves - having vomited the entire contents of my stomach - and I was getting ready to claw my eyes out. The stench of death having pervaded the living room, she released me back to read "Watchmen." And blog about that pile of horseshit.

Jeeeeeezus H. Christ, If this is what PBS finds acceptable to inflict on its viewing audience, at taxpayer expense, why not just back up all eight of the Budweiser Clydesdales to a webcam, give them a strong laxative, and broadcast the result? At least they'd be serving up fresher shit than this rancid pile. My guess is they had to hire a terminal alcoholic experienced in sieving food out of diarrhea to find someone who could extract semi-digestible morsels from the vast Augean flood that must have constituted the original source materials. It's that bad.

To her credit, Gwyneth Paltrow phones in her performance. She stands around with a languid moue, obviously hoping this turdfest sinks without trace before it can ruin her career. She's accompanied by a collection of eunuch gourmands who, wanting to have her six ways from Sunday - as if, fawn upon her and offer her delicacies, all in hopes, I'm sure, of having her fellate them while they stuff more freshly roasted chorizo down their gullets.

Spain, meanwhile, gets short shrift. It seems mostly to consist of highway connecting one piece of posing to another. Even the Alhambra can't move this crowd of self-involved hyper-sophisticated public masturbators. Instead, it's reduced to a chance for Paltrow to display her vegetarian bona fides and worry about the safety of high open windows. For the children.

Nobody comes out of this well. A bunch of bored hedonists standing around hoping for something, anything, that will stroke their jaded nerve endings, caught on video and displayed to the world. This, apparently, is the best government can find to broadcast. I look forward to PBS cartoons. So, yes, like Krusty the Klown, my question has to be "What the hell was that?"

UPDATE: I hear the US Government wants to start making cars.

Remember the Northern Spotted Owl? Saved from humanity, only to be done in by a tougher owl!

Please God, please! Let the Barred Owl not be on any protected species list. We can let it do its thing, and then start logging, as nature intended.

(On the other hand, if the Barred Owl is protected, how delicious is that?!?!?!!!! Are we going to see wacko environmentalists demand a program to save Mother Gaia from ... Mother Gaia? Quick! Call the UN. Yeaah, that'll work.)

Speaking of which, Earth First! We can log the other planets later!

I mention this because it looks like The Bubble is closing on on The One. Normally I'd laugh, ask where his mad light-working skillz might have gone, and look forward to the nervous breakdown. Given that Joe Biden is waiting in the wings, well, I can't really be all that sanguine, can I?

BTW, I fully expect America's radical left will be Obama's downfall. They're not up for compromise, negotiation, and getting along. They want humanity perfected, NOW!!!

Hudna works both ways.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

You can run, you'll just die tired.

(No mosques were harmed in the filming of this movie.)

Now, pay up, suckas!

UPDATE: Brought to you by the miserable excuses for human beings that I call me elected representatives.

UPDATE: Iowahawk nails it. Again.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Hmm. Looks like the yankees, having shit their beds, are coming south.

Might be time to move north and leave the south to them northern monkeys. While they're fucking up Dixie, we can restore New England to its prosperous, conservative roots.

And swap places 50 years hence.

Fucking liberals. Nothing changes. Fucking cockroaches. Fucking locusts.

UPDATE: I can get you a toe.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Obama team probe of Obama team finds no Obama team impropriety.

But of course.

I wonder when the press will become tired of The One, and begin, oh, asking questions.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The funniest thing I've ever seen.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Coming soon to a press conference near you: What did Obama know, and when did he know it?

UPDATE: Cleared? Not so much.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

California's government is getting to the point where it'll be easier to dissolve the people and elect another in their place.

This feels a lot like a call to mob action by a childish minority that's failing to get its way.

This is why it's always wrong to portray a political candidate as an evil totalitarian socialist, or as a "Light Worker", or hell, as "The One": The candidate will always fall short of the worst, or best, expectations.

For myself, I'm glad I don't get all the government I pay for.

UPDATE: Poor Obama! The kids really are starting to pile on.


The stock Obama campaign speech.

I'm feeling good. But, you know, about what?

Looks like out political overlords are bound and determined to ignore lessons from Japan.

As Samuel Beckett once remarked of the people he met at college, our political masters are like the cream or Ireland: rich and thick.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The last time we saw a meltdown like this we got hyperinflation, fascism, and a world war.

Those responsible, politicians - our only native criminal class - are doing again what they did last time: standing around, dumbfounded by the calamity their stupidity has unleashed.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

An open letter of complaint to my US Senators (Chambliss, Isakson) and Representative (Johnson):

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over!

You're giving away the goddamn country to everyone who's fucked up in the last three decades! What the fuck are you thinking about?!?!?!!!!









Sincerely, and with appropriate respect (you know, what I give lamprey eels YOU COCKSUCKERS!!!!!!!),

Patrick Carroll

Am I the only one out there to think the Minnesota US Senate race is nothing more than a slowly-stolen election?

So, Caroline Kennedy wants to be the next Senator from New York.

Democrat politics really is beginning to resemble a banana republic.

Quick question: In what way has she more experience than the current Governor of Alaska? Why is she not a laughing-stock for grasping at an office that will hang about her like a giant's robe upon a dwarfish thief?

Oh. Yeah. Camelot.

Give me a break!

Given this woman's uninterrupted string of misfeasance, malfeasance, and general failure, I'd recommend shorting United Technologies.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Seven years ago, Arabs were flying aircraft into buildings.

Today, they're throwing shoes and shouting epithets.

Remnds me of a movie I saw once:
Eddie: They're armed.
Soap: What was that? Armed? What do you mean armed? Armed with what?
Eddie: Err, bad breath, colorful language, feather duster... what do you think they're gonna be armed with?
It's working.

UPDATE: Where were the thrown shoes when Saddam was in power?

Friday, December 12, 2008

When you grew up on this, you're going to love this.

The arrival of the "National Pants-Shitting Moment (NPSM)".

US Government to me: "If you're up to date on your mortgage, go fuck yourself."

(Though, I thought that was its job.)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hmmm. I think the Obama administration may well come to town with a special prosecutor dogging its heels.

And the press may well lead the charge. Because, you see, the one thing more interesting than a hagiography is a juicy scandal.

In the oddest way, this whole situation is beginning to remind of of the OJ murder trial.

At the time, the issue became not OJ's guilt or innocence, but "The System" which supposedly railroaded black men into prison, the supposedly institutional racism of police departments, and something called "White Privilege." I remember being in the break room at Hitachi Telecom - along with the rest of the company - when the verdict was read out. Among the white people in the break room there was utter disbelief, among the black people there was elation. (The Chinese and Japanese at the company expressed no opinion that I could detect.)

In the same way, this election hinged not on Obama's actual fitness for office, but on whether any criticism of him, any hard questions, might actually be racially based. So, in the end, all that was left was to praise The One.

Now that he's achieved the office, the chattering classes are beginning to admit that, well, they might not have served the Republic all that well, that groupthink and a desire not to offend might have, well, allowed an empty suit to attain the highest office in the land.

And now, not just an empty suit, but an empty suit orbiting a cast of colorfully corrupt characters right out of central casting.

Of course, the fact that he's appointing actual adults to his cabinet, and thereby alienating the nutroots, isn't helping him.

It's like this perfect storm in the making: the unanswered past rising up like Banquo's ghost, the jilted lovers howling for satisfaction, the legacy media looking for relevance. Oh, and at the center of the storm a lawyer whose initial answers recall "Clintonesque".

("I had no contact with the governor or his office, and so I was not aware of what was happening.")

Could it possibly be that we'll have a new scandal every 90 days for the next eight years?

Oh Lord!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The party involved? Democrat, by God! Though you'd barely know from reading the article.

Were this a Republican, that word would be all over the article. You know, "Republican Obama" and "Republican Blagojevich" instead of "Obama" and "Blagojevich".

This is why it's only EVIL Republicans who are manifestly corrupt.

UPDATE: The NYT announces: "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength."

Better than Clinton: An Obama scandal before taking office?

Thanks, legacy media!

Mmmmmmmmm. All the sewage the legacy media covered, in order to get their guy elected, is about to rise to, oh, about knee level.

You thought the Clinton administration was racy? Just wait!

UPDATE: 7 Blago Questions for Obama

UPDATE: Why am I getting the feeling that the mainstream media will do what it can to obliterate the connection between Rod Blagojevich and Barack Obama?

Rhodesia. Zimbabwe.

What would the natives choose?

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Yesterday the Tribune Companies declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

In doing so, the company announced its papers would continue to publish, and its TV stations would continue to broadcast.

Much the same happened here in Atlanta when Delta declared Chapter 11. It continued to operate, even as it restructured.

So, tell me, what's so different about the Detroit Three?

I keep hearing that their collective bankruptcy would put ONE HUNDRED BILLION PEOPLE out on the streets, but history doesn't support this assertion.

I think our political and economic overlords want to stampede us into bailing out some cushy executive jobs and a number of unsustainable union contracts.

If they get it once, they'll be back.

Monday, December 08, 2008

From: "Amazon.com Customer Service"
To: "me"
Subject: Your Amazon.com Inquiry
Date: Dec 9, 2008 11:12 AM

Greetings from the Amazon.com

Thank you for taking the time to write to us with your feedback. As you were previously
informed Customer service is not in a position to make changes to website features
or functions. The most we can do is to be sure that your comments are forwarded
to those who have these responsibilities. As I understand your concerns I wish
to advise you I have forwarded this concern forward to the appropriate area for


Please let us know if this e-mail resolved your question:

If yes, click here:
If not, click here:

Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.

To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section of our web

Best regards,

Amazon.com Customer Service
Check your order and more: http://www.amazon.com/your-account

---- Original message: ----

CUSTOMER: Patrick Carroll
COMM ID:hhycagqf3307082778
EMAIL: "me"
COMMENTS: Hi there,

Thanks for the note.

I take your points exactly, though I note in passing that amazon.co.uk is "Christmas" from end to end; this in a country on the verge of sharia law. amazon.fr similarly celebrates "Noel".

Only in America is "Christmas" to be banned so as not to offend.

Only in America is Amazon banning "Christmas" while working as hard as
possible to make a profit on it.

That really is kind of disgusting.


From: "Amazon.com Customer Service"
To: "me"
Subject: Your Amazon.com Inquiry
Date: Dec 8, 2008 5:55 PM

Dear Patrick Carroll,

Thank you for writing back to us at Amazon.com.

I have reviewed our previous correspondence with you, and I offer my sincere apologies
for any misunderstanding thus far.

As my colleague previously mentioned, we will forward your comments and feedback
to the appropriate department for consideration.

We are aware that our choice of services reflects on our business as a whole, and
we appreciate your feedback. In order to avoid this kind of errors in future, let
me assure you that I have passed your feedback along to the appropriate people in
our company so they can investigate the experience you had, as I know they will
want to read about your experience.

Customer service is not in a position to make changes to website features or functions.
The most we can do is to be sure that your comments are forwarded to those who have
these responsibilities.

Please let me assure you that I have done so.

Thank you for your understanding. We hope to see you again at Amazon.com.

Please let us know if this e-mail resolved your question:

If yes, click here:
If not, click here:

Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.

To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section of our web

Best regards,

Amazon.com Customer Service
Check your order and more: http://www.amazon.com/your-account

---- Original message: ----

CUSTOMER: Patrick Carroll
COMM ID:yaxccbbf3297842165
EMAIL: "me"
COMMENTS: Hi there,

I just got your wonderfully sensitive multicultural reply, and the tripe contained
therein has inspired utter nausea.

If you're going to have "12 Days of" anything, it ought to be "12
Days of Christmas". That's just the way the culture is. Either use "12
Days of Christmas", or use a completely different tag line. Whatever you do,
don't tease us with "12 Days of" and then end with something other
than "Christmas".

And as for that whole other faiths argument, well, maybe they aren't Christian,
and don't 'do' Christmas, but can't they wish someone "Happy
Birthday"? Wouldn't that be simple good manners, even from those who wish
death on all those not in dar al-Islam?

In any event, my point still stands: you want to make money off Christmas, but
don't want to acknowledge where you're making your money.

How hypocritical.


From: "Amazon.com Customer Service"
To: "me"
Subject: Your Amazon.com Inquiry
Date: Dec 8, 2008 9:07 AM

Thank you for writing to Amazon.com with your concern.

Please accept our sincere apologies why we don’t list the word Christmas on our

Our intention in referring to Holiday is to give ordering guidance for all the holidays,
not to exclude other faiths.

This is certainly not our intention to hurt any one's believe.

Customer feedback like yours really helps us continue to improve our store and provide
better service to our customers. Thanks for taking time to offer us your thoughts.

We value your business and hope you will give us the opportunity to serve you again
in the future.

Please let us know if this e-mail resolved your question:

If yes, click here:
If not, click here:

Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.

To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section of our web

Best regards,

Anwesha Majumder
Amazon.com Customer Service
Check your order and more: http://www.amazon.com/your-account

---- Original message: ----

12/08/08 05:21:49
Your Name:Patrick Carroll
Comments:Hi there,

You're having "Amazon Music's 12 Days of Holiday". "12 Days
of Holiday"? What the hell does that mean? I mean, believe it or not, "Holiday"
is not another word for "Christmas". And since you're planning on
making money on "Christmas", please have the good grace to tell it like
it is.

The current phrasing makes you look nothing more than stupid. Call it "Twelve
Days of ChristHanuKwanzaaMas" and you'd still look smarter than you do


S&P slashes New York Times rating to junk.

Their debt, not their news.

I expect a bailout any time now.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Larry King, this evening, looking like a well-tanned elephant's butt: "Isn't this war on terror futile?"

Surprising answer from Bob Woodward, that can be summarized as "No."

Offered without comment, except that Islam needs to find a better strategy. It can't win against this:
‘But come 5am, we were fairly confident the police were going to get us out, so I marched over to the bar and found a bottle of vintage Cristal champagne and opened it and began pouring it into glasses.

‘Then the head waiter came rushing across to me and said, "No, no, you can’t do that!" and I said, 'Well we’re going to' and he said, 'No sir, those are the wrong type of glasses. I shall find you champagne flutes.'

'And he did. The service was immaculate.’

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