Monday, October 17, 2011
It appears the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is working to hide documents that are subject to a Freedom of Information Act request.
Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is a scam. The more light that's shone on the actors, the more they scuttle away, like cockroaches looking for rocks to hide under. Look at Algore. Having sated himself on the offerings of dupes and cynics, he's dragged his bloated carcass to his tacky California Shangri La.
People who profess to be AGW believers are dupes at best; at worst, they're power-seeking cynics.
Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is a scam. The more light that's shone on the actors, the more they scuttle away, like cockroaches looking for rocks to hide under. Look at Algore. Having sated himself on the offerings of dupes and cynics, he's dragged his bloated carcass to his tacky California Shangri La.
People who profess to be AGW believers are dupes at best; at worst, they're power-seeking cynics.
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