
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Given this example, I don't see how the Euro can last.

I think it'll break up, and they'll go back to the historical formations (see "The Rotten Heart of Europe"). Germany will be the leader of a currency union that includes the Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands. France will work with Belgium. Ireland will be tied at the hip to England. God knows what will happen to Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain.

The Euro may well turn out to be an even more epic fail than the Democrat-sponsored US housing bubble.

Stop worrying about the Euro and worry about the Dollar, stupid mother fucker. Germany's economy is great. The Greeks are getting their shit together. The Brit's are cutting 7.5% of defense budget. What part of defense budget are the Refuckllicans willing to cut, stupid mother fucker? Do you know Obama told Gates to cut the Defense spending and he is getting the troops out of Afghanistan and already got us out of Iraq? The war that Bush got us in based on lies and cost us $3 Trillion. Remember that war, stupid mother fucker??? If the Refucklicans takes over the house and Senate, the Dollar is doomed!
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