
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Choose carefully, this election.

Bush's biggest regret is that "he did not privatize social security". Unfuckingbelievable. The bankers would have gotten all the social security money as bonuses and left the people high and dry.

Be really careful who you vote for!
The current US President is Barack Hussein Obama, a man who did more deficit spending in less than two years than the last President did in eight.

And just look at who benefited from Obamanomics!
Yo, don't circumstances make any difference to you stupid mother fucker ????
When Bush took office, there was a 3.5% unemployment rate. With that rate you get more tax revenue and less you have to pay out in unemployment. When Obama took office, Bush had fucked us and we had 9.5% unemployment and we were hemorrhaging. That difference doesn’t even dawn on your stupid mother fucking ass, ey?
Do a fair comparison.
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