
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Today I heard The Won's stump speech about the economy.

According to him it's going to take *years* to dig ourselves out of the current recession. (Excuse the hell out of me, but could I please get an accounting of the recent $3,000,000,000,000, and what *it* accomplished? Apart from payoffs to your union and Wall Street friends, I mean. Wasn't it supposed to keep unemployment at some rosily low rate?)

If we stick with his policies, he's right. More regulation, more deficit spending, more nationalizing of the economy, is certainly the way to keep the current recession and high unemployment rate going into the far future.

Fortunately, there is a solution: November 2, 2010.

When the Republicans take over the Congress, we'll get to see whether The Won has the intellectual flexibility to respond as did President Clinton. Personally, I think he'll break and become an isolated, dwarfish figure, beset by the nutroots and Hillary Clinton.

He'll leave office accusing America of permanent, endemic racism, leaving a stench that'll hang about long after he's shuffled back to his racist Chicago church.

Remember your assertion that Inflation is coming? We are actually facing a deflationary cycle, which is much worse.
The problem with your arguments is that you don't think or analyze. You continiously spew your party line crap. The sad thing is that that crap is obscuring the country to find the true solutions the country needs.

At least our President is honest, you, on the other hand, are deceitful.
Why, exactly, are we entering a deflationary cycle, if that is in fact what's happening?

Mind you, given that the IMF has declared the US functionally bankrupt, and China is dumping our Treasuries in favor of Japanese and European debt, well, inflation, deflation, either way, the future does not look good, and the trillions we don't have that The Won has spent can't be helping.

As for deceitful, well, let's take a look at ObamaCare. He told lie after lie after lie to get it passed, and even then it only got passed via some interesting parliamentary maneuvers.

If you've listened to ever a small portion of what he heard from Jeremiah Wright over a period of 20 years, if you look at his associates, you know he hates this country and wants it brought low.

That's a hell of a solution.
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