Thursday, July 29, 2010
A Democrat administration refuses to defend the border.
A Democrat judge throws the border open.
Ho hum.
A Democrat judge throws the border open.
Ho hum.
great blog!.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................just kidding.
You weren’t whining when Bush and Refuklicans, post 9/11 tragedy, neither secured the borders nor prevented visitors overstaying. Bush kept us real safe after 9/11, ey? Really?
Give Obama a chance to work on immigration reform. Don't let the Refuklicans block reform because they don't have a clue what their constituents want.
Give Obama a chance to work on immigration reform. Don't let the Refuklicans block reform because they don't have a clue what their constituents want.
Well, we had no more members of hte Religion of Pieces flying planes into skyscrapers after 9/11. And the war did get carried to our enemies. Considering which, well, thank God Algore didn't get elected.
I do take your point that GWB was no conservative, and as much in favor of illegal future Democrat voter immigration as is The Won.
As I understand it, the Obama administration is currently researching administrative changes that would provide a way to provide effective amnesty to the millions of illegal Democrat voter immigrants already inside our borders. I mean, we certainly don't want to return M-13 gang members to Mexico, do we? We do want to keep drunk-driving illegal Democrat voter immigrants in this country to slaughter Americans, don't we?
Here's my bottom line: If you're here illegally, get the hell out. Apply for entry to the US from whatever country it is you come from. Come here legally, or don't come at all.
This, of course, is entirely unacceptable to Democrats, because they (a) hate America and American exceptionalism and want them destroyed, and (b) they want a permanent underclass that will vote them into power forever.
And that's really the point about illegal immigration. Democrats want to be a rich ruling class, lording it over an ignorant, poverty-stricken lumpen-proletariat.
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I do take your point that GWB was no conservative, and as much in favor of illegal future Democrat voter immigration as is The Won.
As I understand it, the Obama administration is currently researching administrative changes that would provide a way to provide effective amnesty to the millions of illegal Democrat voter immigrants already inside our borders. I mean, we certainly don't want to return M-13 gang members to Mexico, do we? We do want to keep drunk-driving illegal Democrat voter immigrants in this country to slaughter Americans, don't we?
Here's my bottom line: If you're here illegally, get the hell out. Apply for entry to the US from whatever country it is you come from. Come here legally, or don't come at all.
This, of course, is entirely unacceptable to Democrats, because they (a) hate America and American exceptionalism and want them destroyed, and (b) they want a permanent underclass that will vote them into power forever.
And that's really the point about illegal immigration. Democrats want to be a rich ruling class, lording it over an ignorant, poverty-stricken lumpen-proletariat.