
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Since The Won, and his assorted flying monkeys have a severe allergic reaction to the concept of "war," the undibomber will be treated as an alleged suspect (which is what he is is the President's fantasy), rather than as an enemy combatant (which is what he is in reality). If this were a war, we would question him about who he hooked up with in Yemen, who did he meet with in London, and maybe get a lead on attacks to come. Instead, The Won, et al., having issued the undibomber a multi-entry visa, having permitted him to board the plane, and having failed to detect his incendiary underwear, now allow him to lawyer up and ensure that we'll never know who he knew in Yemen or anywhere else.

Treating terrorists as criminals is a declaration to the world that we will continue to wait to be attacked, continue to wait for innocents to be slaughtered, and every time this happens, we'll attempt to take the perpetrators into custody, roll out the crime scene tape, and prosecute on a case-by-case basis. Meanwhile, the terrorists, who are working a larger strategy can sit back and laugh at us.

It boggles the mind to consider that any administration, knowing there's a force out there coordinating attacks againts us, would not take the war to that force, but would instead treat the whole thing as a police matter. It's an open door to the death of more Americans.

The Won cannot be gone fast enough. Unfortunately, I think we'll have to accept more pain, suffering, and death before he goes.

The Won may be done with Al-Qaeda, but Al-Qaeda's not done with The Won.

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