
Monday, December 28, 2009

Reading accounts of the undibomber, I am struck by the size of the government fail.

The dude was in a database of suspected terrorists, but his name was not on a no-fly list.

He got on the plane without a passport.

The explosive he attempted to use, pentaerythritol, or PETN, is a well-known explosive, yet a detector for such an explosive was not deployed. This is the same explosive the shoe-bomber, Richard Reid, attempted to use.

Plenty of fail to go around, but the biggest fail was not having a suspected terrorist on a no-fly list. This is squarely a failure of the US executive branch.

The TSA is now requiring pat-downs. Of course, the crotch area is currently excluded, and rectal exams are not required. Yet.

The TSA is all kabuki, designed to make you feel safer. Ultimately, it's a useless hassle that provides no safety at all.

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