
Saturday, December 26, 2009

From wnat I can tell on the news, a person styling himself Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, or Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, depending on where you get your information, tried yesterday to blow up the large passenger airplane on which he was flying. He claims he was doing this on behalf of Al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization inspired by the rantings of a Seventh Century AD pedophile.

"Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab." Huh. Given the past quarter century of experience, I wonder why people with, oh, Irish names get the anal probe when going through airport security. Would we not be better served by concentrating on Muslim men between the age of 18 and 40?

Discrimination is not necessarily evil.

UPDATE: Oh, and BTW, despite all the pain the US Feddle Gummint has prescribed, the man got on board with bomb-making materials and the attack was stopped by civilians. Given the demonstrated complete uselessness of the Feddle Gummint in cases like this, I vote that airline passengers be allowed aboard with mace sprayers, cattle prods, and tazers. Nothing that can depressurize the airplane, but plenty useful against Muslim terrorists.

UPDATE: The TSA ("Thousands Standing Around") responds to the incident with more of the same. Passengers: 1, TSA: 0, and TSA responds by punishing passengers. You really do have to leave your brain at the door when you go to work for the government.

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