
Tuesday, November 03, 2009

What a difference a year makes.

A year ago, The Won won, and the Republican Party was about to disappear from the American political stage. Or so people like E.J. Dionne had it. Today, Virginia and New Jersey (*NEW JERSEY!!!!*) rejected socialism and Obama in general, and went into the Republican line.

You doubt the moment? Look at the news on health care takeoverreform. Done. Cooked. Put a fork in it. See you next decade. Pelosi's 1990-page opus is on fire, and scorching her and wossname, Reid. (BTW, if Reid gets re-elected next year, it will only be by way of a pact with the Devil. He is that *hated* in Nevada.)

So, just where exactly is Obama? Cap-and-tax? Dead. Health care takeover? Dead. He does own two dying car companies, and some rapidly exsanguinating banks. What else was he trying to accomplish? Oh. Right. Afghanistan. Well, he's going to dither politically, while actual people die.

His presidency is toast, as of this evening.

Or, maybe not. This is the point where we find out whether he's an ideologue, or a practical politician. My expectation? More hard-left stupidity: He hasn't even the smarts of a rapist like Bill Clinton.

He can start scolding us like Carter, or triangulating like Clinton. Expect Carter. A President who goes on "Date Night" during a war is de facto a Carter. I await a White House note about the accidental death of a cat (Dario Fo, where are you?!?!?!!!!)

IMHO, The Won's Presidency is toast, this evening.

Oh, by the way, don't miss the Tea Party at the Capitol, this Thursday. Let's put a stake through the heart of this socialist government, while we can.

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