
Friday, November 27, 2009

Mrs LivinInAmerica subscribes to "Time" magazine, the latest edition of which arrived today in the mail.

Goodbye (at Last) to the Decade From Hell. The writers at "Time" obviously don't realize that - in news terms - they're becoming the last buggy-whip manufacturer in a nation of automobiles. Their decade from hell is going to go on, and on, and on (excepting, of course, that they get some "stimulus" funds). Which, well, why not? If the Imperial Federal Government can grab half of the economy by simple fiat, why not the few per cent that already constitute the propaganda arm of the Democrat party? (Minus Fox News, which can't be an actual news outlet because it doesn't parrot the latest line from Pravdathe NYT.)

Anyway, as to the actual article. Well, it's all baby-boomer angst, isn't it? The writers did have the good grace to admit that the time around the Second Great Unpleasantness might have been a bit worse, but...

God! What a silly bunch. Coddled and clucked over until they came to believe themselves the greatest generation ever, now that they've had a couple of economic shocks and seen their 401(k)s decline a bit, it's a decade from hell.

Forget the semi-pornographic ads for Viagra and other aphrodisiacs, or the ads for incontinence aids, liver care, cholesterol, etc., etc. Forget the artificial hip replacements and cardiac stents that relieve a huge amount of the hassle of growing old. Forget medicines that relieve the pain of arthritis. As long as the 401(k) has declined, nothing else matters.

All that's happened, really, is that the Baby Boomers have come into their own, and cocked things up, and someone else - Fate, I guess - will have to take the blame. Bloody shirkers.

First they gave in Bill Clinton, who took us on a holiday from history, resulting in the tech crash and the events of 9/11. He was succeeded by George W. Bush. The only bright spot in that presidency was taking the war to our enemies. In all other ways the man was a radical and a failure, starting with the fact that he doubled, *doubled* the national debt in a mere eight years, while overseeing a real estate bubble that was supposed to make up for the tech crash (Alan Greenspan, I'm looking at you!). Now the Baby Boomers have given us hope and change, another radical, and a clueless one at that. He intends to double the national debt again, while going to Cairo and delivering speeches that justify jihadi terror. When he's not bowing obsequiously to foreigners, that is.

After the body politic, the national gut, passes this huge social bolus called The Baby Boomers, future generations will have adulthood, and the bills for the party thrust upon them.

If "Time" had any sense, that's what it'd focus on. But then, being run by baby boomers, well, you get the picture...

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