
Friday, November 06, 2009

Just caught this, by way of CNN, as mouthpiece for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

I really wish CAIR would issue these things, oh, preemptively.

You know, issue statements asking those who feel the need to come down with Sudden Jihad Syndrome to go to their shrinks. Certainly not their imams: don't want to encourage them.

But no. Instead, it's wait 'til some Muslim psycho kills a bunch of people, and then go all scared about the general reaction - that right-thinking people might act on the understandable urge to crucify any Muslim in their neighborhoods. Gull the kufrs into waiting for the next psycho, and the next statement.

CAIR, carefully examined, is really nothing but a part of the Muslim violence being done to Western Civilization in general. It allows us no response in general, nor in particular. Taken in earnest, all CAIR allows us is the chance to take more of the same.

To hell with that. I say we start killing Muslims in the streets, wherever we find them, and then issuing statements hoping the Christians will nonetheless be well-treated, that they're the victims, that they're the one who mus be understood.

Right. Like that's going to happen.

Christians are actually civilized. Too civilized to do that sort of thing. We're going to have our backs against the walls before we react appropriately against these savages.

Still, we do have the French example of St. Bartholomew's Day.

In the interim, I think all non-Muslims should retreat from dar-al-Islam into dar-al-Harb and sit there, mocking these obvious losers.

For, you see, minus their Brit combat jackets, Phillips mics, Sony cameras, American (laminated) maps, Russian assault rifles, etc., most Muslim terrorists are nothing but angry, sexually-frustrated men in yak-hair underwear.

Where is the Arab Nobel Award in Science? Medicine? Where is the Arab car company? The Muslim aerospace company? How many books are translated from, oh, English to Arabic every year? From Arabic to English? Apart from oil, terrorism, and honor killings, what does the Muslim world export? Minus oil, Muslim exports to the world are less than Finland's. That's a billion people, producing less for export than tiny Finland. How does the Muslim world deal with this massive fail? Why, by hating on the Great- and Little-Satan. God forbid they should own their fail.

Back in the day, we ringed the Soviet Union, penned it in, until it collapsed on itself. We need the same against the Muslim world. Ring them. Pen them in. Let them stew, turn in on themselves, and collapse into their own tiny singularity of hatred.

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