
Friday, November 27, 2009

ACORN dumps documents ahead of a government investigation.

Cap-and-tax is based on data global warming types have been faking for years.

Health care reform is going to insure 30 million people not currently insured *and* bring down the budget deficit.

The guy running recovery.gov admits the numbers on the site are complete bullshit.

The current administration has mostly nominated tax cheats. A shining exception being a racist Latina.

Goldman-Sachs gets tens of billions from the taxpayer, and hands out billions in bonuses.

GM and Chrysler management have taken billions and run.



The Won vacillates while troops die. When he's not bowing low enough to kiss the feet of foreign potentates, or giving speeches justifying Islamist terror, that is.

Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Charlie Rangle still have positions of trust and power.

There's an inbred group at the head of this country that runs the country for its own good. Of late it's begun to get so full of itself it believes it can rape the country in public and get away scot-free. I can't see that happening for an extended period of time.

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