
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Won trotted out a bunch of captive doctorspeople wearing lab coats today, in a Rose Garden attempt to grab more of the US Economy.

He already has 600 banks and two auto makers, but won't be satisfied until he has energy and medicine as well. Because, you know, socialism only works if we're all in the pot. It's a Milo Minderbinder, individual mandate thing.

Meanwhile, the Arabs, unsatisfied by 9/11, are making moves to replace the US dollar as the currency used for pricing oil. Which is fine with The Won: America must atone for its many sins.

Meanwhile, as Afghanistan goes down the toilet, The Won is prancing around the world, notably making bootless pleas in the streets of Denmark. McChrystal, unwilling to go down without a fight, makes public statements and the yammering left, having howled at Bush about ignoring his generals, descends like a pack of hyenas on a General who has spoken up. Oh yes, it's the age of The Won, The Dear Leader, He Who Must Be Obeyed. No dissent is allowed.

The American public, memoriless, laps this all up.

In related news, the National Intelligence Estimate of 2007 turns out to have been complete fabricated nonsense, designed only to keep us paralyzed while The One swept to victory. The last laugh was The Won making a speech about nuclear disarmament, even while knowing about a new Iranian enrichment plant. Mind you, this joke already savors of hollow wit, as more do now cry than ever will laugh at it.

$2 trillion in pork-laden debt spending has given us 10% unemployment, officially, while actual employment heads towards 20%. Political correctness ensures men are laid off first, while women (who, as we are oft reminded make $0.72 for every dollar a man makes) are kept on. Don't want NOW at the door! Nothing like a little emasculation for the population in general, even as The Won emasculates the country completely.

Mind you, the first child has begun to mutter that the The Won Has No Clothes, as SNL does a skit about The Won of Soaring Rhetoric, Who Gets Nothing Done.

Within the next year or two, they'll be calling The Won the worst American ruler since Montezuma, and deservedly so.

Of course, they'll have long forgotten who they howled for in the last Presidential election. And the American public, memoriless, will keep lapping it up.

Democrats. Words fail me.

Well, not quite: "Don't Blame Me. I Voted for McCain!"

This is comedy gold. I think you've got Steven Colbert beat at his own game. Satirific!
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