
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Won has cut off funding to the Iranian Human Rights Documentation Center. It's part of his policy of cozying up to degenerates.

Well of course.

This is one more sign to the world's thugs that he's weak, and will do nothing to harm them as they pile on, hell for leather, to acquire nukes.

The result? The world is inching towards 100% certainty of war in the gulf next year. Israel will not let Iran get a nuke. One way or another, it will attack.

The mullahs will respond, most likely via Hezbollah, Hamas, and/or Boy Assad. Hence fighting in Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, and with Syria.

Would the mullahs hit at an American target? Maybe a capital ship? Might they hit at a target in the CONUS? Who can tell.

I am certain of these things:

1. Iran is working as hard as possible to get nuclear weapons.
2. Iran now has the ability to deliver nukes all the way into Europe.
3. Iranian nuclear-armed IRBMs are an existential threat to Israel, which Israel will not tolerate.
4. Iran has proxies all around Israel.
5. Rather than allow Iran to pose an existential threat, Israel will attack.
6. When Israel attacks Iran's nuclear weapons capability, it will also hit with overwhelming force at Southern Lebanon, Gaza, and Damascus.

Will the war spread? Who can say? What I will say is that right now, The Won's administration, with its temporizing and appeasement, is backing Israel into a corner.

The best case is Israel takes out Iran's nuclear weapons sites, along with its oil export/gasoline import facilities, while also pounding Boy Assad, Nasrallah, and whatever thug happens to be in charge in Gaza.

The worst case scenario is Israel breaks out the nukes and starts hitting large population centers in Iran, and from Tripoli through Amman to Damascus. Oh, and takes out the Aswan High Dam into the bargain.

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