
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Obama Administraton: $1.4 trillion deficit this year, $1.4 trillion next year. Soon we'll be talking about real money.

I don't know what the next major increment is after "trillion" (squintillion?), but nobody tell this lot.

I suppose bequeathing a credit card bill on generations to come is a *sort* of change. And since it's actual reality, no "belief" required.

Mind you, I'm now out of hope. All that's left is to boot this lot, and as soon as possible.

UPDATE: Did you hear the news about how the mullahs played Baracky last June? Apparently, while they were mowing down their subjects, they offered The Won a deal about exporting their enriched uranium to France, or Russia, or Kazakhstan. Somewhere. While The Won was focused on this deal, they snuffed out all protest over their elections, and The Won, that bag of sticky incompetence, kept quiet, for fear of nixing the uranium deal. The mullahs, up to their knees in blood, but a democracy movement nicely repressed, are now backing off on the uranium deal.

So, how's that missile shield going in Poland and Czechoslovakia?

Really, The Won was never ready for prime time.

What a complete Carter.

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