
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This evening as I was driving home, I was listening to NPR on XM radio. One topic of conversation was the President's decision to have US Special Forces kill an AQ leader in southern Somalia.

One topic that came up was the degree to which the US has attrited AQ in the past few years, to the point where AQ's having trouble recruiting. Funny, I was led to believe the last President's policies had put us in more danger. And no sooner is he out the door, on a tide of legacy media booing, than we learn that he was, in fact, teaching Americans enemies to cower under our lash. Oh well, no matter. In this internet age, the legacy media's various hypocrisies are obvious to any who care to look.

Then, I get home and discover this.

Now, according to the overheated rhetoric I heard when GWB was President, the USA PATRIOT Act was an example of the President using the US Constitution to wipe his butt. Now that The One has decided he wants the main provisions extended, what are we to think? That he too is wiping his bum with that same US Constitution? (Yes, I believe The Won Who Has Been Promised Us At This Time feeds, respires and excretes, just like the rest of us.)

Yes. Yes. The various hypocrisies, etc., etc.

I fully expect, four or eight years out (four for preference), to be told by the same legacy media that former President Obama's policies gave hope and comfort to America's enemies. Certainly, the North Korean, Iranian, Libyan, and Venezuelan trolls are all looking invigorated. (I mean, can you believe that Libyan bastard was let go after serving 11.5 days per murder he committed? With the quiet assent of the UK and US governments? For nothing more than access to Libyan oil and gas, no less?!?!?!?!!! "No blood for oil"? Oy!)

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