
Wednesday, September 09, 2009

It appears the President is to address us this evening, to outline The Mary Jo Kopechne Health Care Reform Act of 2009. That will be a literal first.

I'd be up for something gold-plated, like the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan. Of course, that wouldn't bend down Mr Orszag's cost curve would it?

Or hey! Maybe the Feds could shut down the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan and join the lumpen proletariat in whatever single-payer system eventually comes to pass. (Yes, crickets chirping.)

If the government takes over paying for our health care, rationing will follow, as night follows day. And yes, that does include "Death Panels." If you doubt it, compare outcomes for cancer patients in the UK and the US.

In the end we the peasants will have the benefit of socialism - the equal sharing of misery, while the nomenclatura will continue with its Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan.

Spare me. I'd prefer to take responsibility for my own future and my own outcomes, rather than depend on America's only native criminal class.

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