
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

An open letter to my US Representative, Hank Johnson, upon the occasion of The Won Who Has Been Promised Us At This Time admitting that he is not aware of the contents of the health-care reform bill currently being considered by an assembly of our only native criminal class:

Dear Representative Johnson,

Today I heard an MP3 of an interview given by The Won Who Has Been Promised Us At This Time, wherein he allowed that he hadn't actually read the health care reform bill being considered by you and the rest of your august assembly of America's only native criminal class.

It seems to me that The Won (etc., etc.) has decided to turn over to you and yours the responsibility of giving him a bill, any bill, so he won't look like a complete political retard, come January 2010. Let's face it, he prefers to campaign in Berlin, or Ghana, where the local populace get the political party, and not the economic hangover.

In any event, The Won (etc., etc.)'s spurning of details means you may get to pay off whatever political constituencies you care to. So, I guess DeKalb's assorted AMA bloodsuckers should look forward to a teat, huh?

Of course, The Won (etc., etc.)'s inattention also means that if the bill you pass turns out to be better suited for the cloaca maxima than the American public, The Won (etc., etc.) will be able - and quite happy - to throw you under the bus, as he has his grandmother, his pastor, his assorted political mentors, etc., etc. Screw up and you'll be dead to him.

Oh, by the way, have you been watching The Won (etc., etc.)'s recent poll numbers? Right. Inverse to the mounting unemployment numbers. (Unemployment numbers mounting despite the budget busting "stimulus" bill *you* approved.)

I'd encourage you to treat this health-care reform bill as you might an armed 1000 Kg IED: from as far away as possible.

Let's face it: those turds of "stimulus" and cap-and-tax bills cost you plenty of political capital. "Stimulus" is getting you no political love, while cap-and-tax is quietly dying in the Senate. Do you really want to walk the plank for the third time in six months?

Remember: this empty suit (The Won (etc., etc.)) will be gone forever in a maximum of 7.5 years, and that IG scandal is really starting to loom (Jeez, not to mention Murtha. Oh, and Dodd. Oh, and Rangel. Oh, and ...) Just let The Won (etc., etc.) die a quiet political death, drop the socialism - please, keep the voters of north DeKalb pacified, and enjoy a long - doubtle$$ profitable - political life.

Or wait for the Tea Parties at your front door.

Thanks in advance,

Patrick Carroll
P.S. Those free political adspress conferences The Won (etc., etc.) is running? Not working. In fact, he looks a little desperate. The mellow is off the rose, as it were.

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