
Friday, July 17, 2009

Can this man claim to be authentically black, given that he challenged the Democrat Plantation?

The majority of your blog is nonsensical vitriol so the casual reader would assume that you are serious about this post as well. While it's obvious that you unabashedly hate Democrats, Muslims, and Europeans, how can you seriously fault this man for his natural reaction to Mrs. Boxer's flagrant, and pathetic attempt at playing the race card?

Your writings appear to be nothing more than the tragic byproduct of Rush Limbaugh's daily talking points coupled with lonely nights drinking Jameson alone.


One has to wonder...if you hate livin' in America so much, why are you still there?
I LOVE living in America. I DESPISE the home-grown socialists.

Thing is, this country is the last best refuge for people who want to work, earn, and keep most of what they earn.

I rail against socialist stupidity because there's really nowhere else to go. If this country succumbs, there's nowhere else to go.

I'm conducting a rearguard defense. Can you blame me for being passionate about it?
Oh, and BTW, I admire Mr. Alferd immensely.
And I mock more that I am vitriolic.

And thanks for accusing me of being a, what?, self-hating European?

Jeez. I'm arguing with a moron. That's king of like wrestling with a pig: you end up dirty, and the pig ends up enjoying it.

Oh, and I've not listened to Rush Limbaugh for years. So, maybe he's reading my blog...
I don't "unabashedly hate Democrats, Muslims, and Europeans."

I unabashedly hate Democrats who rail against America's system of wealth. This system has raised more out of poverty that any other system, ever, and Democrats who criticize it are either ignorant or anti-American. Either way, fuck 'em.

I unabashedly hate Muslims who want to blow me up, or impose Sharia Law on me. Otherwise, I'm like Jefferson: if you're not picking my pocket, or breaking my leg, cool.

As for Europeans, love 'em! As long as they're free market, liberty-oriented, and happy to admit their asses have been bailed out by us, many a time. Otherwise, fuck 'em.
Oh, and by the way, when did dissent cease to be the highest form of patriotism? January 20, 2009?
'Oh, and BTW, I admire Mr. Alferd immensely.'

Yes, it's clear that you admire Mr. Alford immensely. Even though he's not "authentically black".
Jesus! You're stupid beyond belief.

You're a Democrat, right?
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