
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yesterday, driving home, I was listening to some XM NPR show or other. "To the Point", I think.

Anyway, the show was all about California voters rejecting ballot initiatives designed to raise their taxes.

The round table discussion featured a couple of journalists, and a number of state workers. I think the State Treasurer was included, as well as a former State Archivist - now in a cushy state-funded sinecure at some university or other.

In other words, left--wing statists (it is National Proletarian Radio, after all), and a collection of bloodsuckers who stand to benefit from tax increases. Though, truth be told, the former archivist sounded as though he was sated enough not to worry one way or the other about voter decisions.

The discussion dwelt on the ignorance of voters, their general stupidity, their unwillingness to sacrifice for the greater good, etc.

Much was made of "refounding" California. In the context of the discussion, it sounded a lot like the government deciding to dissolve the people and select something more to its liking.

Missing from the discussion? Oh, a taxpayer. They probably couldn't find one, given the current California exodus.

Meanwhile, the Governator is talking about cutting aid to the lame, the halt, the young, the old, the insane, those afflicted by criminality and/or house fires. No talk about cutting, oh, cushy sinecures.

National Proletarian Radio is so biased, it'd make a cat laugh.

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