
Thursday, May 21, 2009

It appears the Patriot Act, wiretaps, e-mail intercepts, military tribunals, Predator drone attacks, Iraq, Afghanistan - and now Guantánamo - are officially no longer part of the demonic Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld nexus that was shredding the Constitution. Instead they apparently constitute a collection of legitimate anti-terrorism measures designed to thwart killers.

Who'd have thought?!?!?!!!!

Except for the introduction of euphemisms and a few new largely meaningless protocols, there is no longer a Bush-did-it argument. In fact, after years of use, it looks like everything Bush did kept us safe these last eight years.

It's all been politics, all along. Oh, and Democrat voters? Rubes. Pikers. Taken to the cleaners. Been had. Hope! Change! Yeah! Right!

My prediction: Now that the US Senate has refused to shut down Guantanamo; now that radicalised Muslim converts have been arrested attempting to blow up synagogues in New York; now the Pentagon has released - after FOIA lawsuits - a report indicating a large portion of the people released from Gitmo go back to killing Ameicans, the legacy media will fall over itself to write stories about the muslim threat, and how Obama must go back on *all* his campaign promises, because someone else is making him do it.

That lightworker stuff only goes so far, I guess.

Obama's second term? A "Le Car" in every garage. At best.

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