
Thursday, February 12, 2009

I think our society is starting to come apart.

Consider this: Our financial elites pocketed billions while leaving behind them smoking holes that have cost millions of ordinary folks 50% of the value of their 401(k)s. Personally, I doubt I'll ever retire, given the smoking hole Dodd, Frank, Rangel, Rubin, at al., have left in my retirement account. When I receive my statements, I'm filled with rage and a desire to spit on my hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.

Meanwhile, our political elites have revealed they feel no real obligation to pay their income taxes. The new Secretary of the Treasury is an actual tax cheat, and he only has his job because he got in early, before the full flood of Augean filth that constitutes Obama's picks fully came to light.

Our elites constitute a tiny portion of the population, but they drive the rest of us. This works as long as they are prudent and honest. When they become imprudent and dishonest, well, the rest of us can feel free to ignore them.

Thing is, what happens when they've taken the hint? By the time they get back to being prudent and honest, the rest of us will have ceased to heed them and will instead be engaged in full flight to the exits.

And then, when they ask us to pay to fix the bridge that was knocked down by the last earthquake, we'll say "Sod off! Time for a dark age. You brought this on yourselves."

And they will have brought this on themselves. And there will be a dark age.

And then we'll start all over again.

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