
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I can remember noticing, over a decade ago, that all the street-sweepers in Paris were dark-skinned. France, like the rest of Europe, is depopulating. Faced with a list of jobs French people just wouldn't do, and unsustainable social welfare spending, the French decided to import workers. Just to do scut work and pay taxes, mind you, not to make them actually, you know, *French*.

Many of the people France imported are Muslim, from societies that emphasize guilt and shame.

So, the French imported people with a highly-developed sense of shame, gave them crappy jobs, taxed the hell out of them, and gave them no upward mobility.

Et voila, les consequences!

I'm not condoning the violence. In fact, I hope the "youths" get the crackdown they deserve. I think, however, that there's going to be a lot more of this. If the French run to type, I expect another St. Bartholomew's Day massacre.

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