Tuesday, May 22, 2007
An open letter to Senator Saxby Chambliss, after his appearance this morning on Fox to descuss the upcoming illegal immigrant amnesty bill.
Dear Senator Chambliss,
I caught you on Fox this morning. I have to say it was a pretty sorry display, especially compared to Senator Shelby.
You say the alternative to this bill is the status quo. Well, what's that, exactly? Failure to enforce current law? As I recall, the President signed into law a bill providing for a fence along a substantial portion of the southern border. And then decided not to enforce that law. Every morning I pass dozens of illegal immigrant day laborers at the Shell gas station at Shallowford and I-85. How about enforcing current law, rounding them up, and sending them home? You won't, will you?
Given those examples, I simply don't trust you, the President, or the rest of the establishment that's foisting this amnesty upon us. Beyond that, I simply cannot believe just how tin-eared you and the White House are on this issue. I can see how you enjoy illegal immigration - a low-cost supply of labor to mow your lawn and polish your airplane. The rest of us see the signs in Spanish outside the local elementary school, the billboards in Spanish on Chamblee-Tucker Road, and hear the announcements in Spanish when we call Wachovia. This wasn't the case as recently as 10 years ago. Now, however, the area around my house has turned into a little barrio. Another 10 years, and we'll have another Los Angeles, complete with drive-by shootings and gang graffiti. Not that you'll be worried, flying as you do over it all on wings waxed with illegal labor.
Taking a word from Ronald Reagan, I no longer "trust but verify." I simply "verify." And right now you, the White House, and the rest of your don't-enforce-current-law cabal are failing.
I'd encourage you to listen to your constituents - the ones that are here legally, and can vote legally, that is - and reverse yourself on this fiasco of a bill. Demand that current law be enforced. In particular, demand that the President build that wall. Show some resolve, some spine. For God's sake, at least stand up for the people who pay your damned salary!
If you're not interested in this, I look forward to your prompt and permanent return to private life.
Patrick Carroll
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