
Sunday, February 18, 2007

So, pushed by Obama and the nutroots end of the Democrat Party, Hillary's now calling for the retreat from Iraq to begin in 90 days.

Democrats are calling this war ChimpyBushitlerMcHalliburon's failed war. In fact, they're calling the last six or so years ChimpyBushitlerMcHalliburon's failed administration. Amplified and spread by their wholly-owned subsidiary, the mainstream media, that's been a handy tool with which to gain political power. They played the game ruthlessly and well, and they won. Good for them.

But consider the reality. There have been no more al Qaeda attacks in the US. Saddam's gone. We've killed al Zarqawi. We've wounded his successor, al Masri, and taken out a lot of his leadership. Bin Ladin's not been heard from in a couple of years, to the point where al Zawahiri no longer mentions him. Al Qaeda's strategy of killing as many shi'ites as possible, in order to provoke a bloody civil, and then regional, war has not worked. Jihadis are being killed in large numbers. Most of Iraq is pretty peaceful. Given time, the peace could be won.

(Incidentally, the past six or so years have been good for my investment portfolio.)

The Democrats can't stomach this, because they can't stomach the notion of Bush being seen as anything but an abject failure. Shamed as they were by the Pantsless Rapist Huckster from Hope, they want Bush looking worse, so Republicans understand mutually-assured political destruction, and will be willing to leave future Democrat monsters alone.

What the Democrats don't understand is that in the rest of the world this is seen as America's war. The retreat is going to be America's retreat. And both the blame and shame of the regional war that will follow will be America's blame and shame.

It's my hope that wiser counsel prevails. My fear is that it's with O'Leary in the grave.

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