
Friday, February 16, 2007

Perfect timing! Just as Mookie bugs out - because of the surge, the Democrats are criticizing the Commander in Chief - because of the surge.

If memory serves, less than a year ago Democrats were demanding more troops on the ground. Now that more trrops are on the ground, they're demanding fewer troops on the ground. They really ought to be patting themselves on the back and braying that the Commander in Chief is finally listening.

But they can't, can they? I mean, they're so worried about the networked hippie end of the party (Dailykos, MyDD, etc.) - the people who want an IMMEDIATE END TO THE WAR! DOWN WITH CHIMPYBUSHITLERMACHALLIBURTON! - that they can't even begin to take credit for their position of only a couple of months ago. Hence they find themselves in the bind of having to denounce a successful strategy that they themselves were demanding less than six months ago.

It's 1968 - 1975, all over again. At the end of it all, the US public will again find itself unable to trust Democrats when the defence of the nation is at stake.

Democrats: Never missing a chance to miss a chance.

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