
Sunday, January 28, 2007

I saw Hillary Clinton on Fox News Channel today. She was in Iowa to have a "conversation".

After making an opening statement - about loving puppies and baking cookies, or somesuch - she opened the floor to questions.

The first question was about her vote in favor of the war in Iraq. Her response was along the lines of "if I'd known then what I know now, I'd not have voted the way I did."

Fair enough, but what does she know now that she didn't know then?

Why, that she could have voted against the war and still be a viable candidate for President.

She's an monstrous ego wrapped in an insatiable appetite wrapped in a despicable lie.

I agree. You harsh on Obama but give the man the chance he deserves - everything he's had to say so far has been very impressive. I think that there is a serious chance he may dethrone the polarizing Clinton woman.

The biggest Obama complaint is that he doesn't have enough experience. There have been plenty of people, the present administration being a perfect example, to prove that experience doesn't always equate to a positive thing.
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