
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This Foley scandal is disgusting. Fortunately he's a Republican, so he's done the right thing and quit. Contrast this with the behaviour, say, of Congressman Barney Frank.

This scandal does raise a couple of questions for me.

First: Does anyone remember the stink that was raised when the FBI raided the offices of Congressman William Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana? In this case, Dennis Hastert led the charge against the FBI. In the Foley case, he apparently told a paedophile to go and sin no more. Seems to me that Hastert knows that he's sitting atop an Augean Stable of corruption and venality, and would like all the filth quietly ignored. If this is the case, then he's not fit to be speaker. Also, God knows what else will come of this investigation he's finally requested. When this all settles down, I'm sure we'll have a number of dirty old men on their way top cutting grass on an Air Force golf course.

Second: Does it look to anyone else that the Democat party has ceased to be the pary of ideas and become the party of smears? In retrospect it's obvious this had to happen. The Democrat party has become the party of piling disaffectefd minority on disaffected minority until you have 50% + 1 votes. No party thus organized can have ideas, as any idea from one disaffected minority is bound to outrage at least one other disaffected minority. In the end, all you have is the appeal of spoils-based bread-and-circuses. In such an organization, smearing becomes the way to get to a reward ahead of your competition.

Look for about five more Foley-sized scandals between now and election day. Look for a Republican loss of the house, and a near tie in the Senate. By next January, Hastert will no longer have a leadership position in the House, since the Republicans who are elected will have won despite him, not because of him.

My God! Can this be the party of the Contract with America?

Oh, yes, and look for the FBI investigation into this page scandal to start bearing fruit around this time in 2008.

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