
Monday, October 09, 2006

This evening, on the way home from work, I caught the Michael Savage radio show.

He was discussing the recent spinach deaths, his point being that those who've died have died from spinach that had been used as toilet paper by the Mexicans harvesting spinach. E. coli O158 being a human gut thing, don't you know. (MSM interruption: "Nothing to see here! Move along!")

So. Think about that, America: Every time you eat a green, leafy vegetable from California, you're probably eating the toilet paper of a third-world illegal immigrant, here to do the work American industry won't pay Americans to do.

Meanwhile, the President is considering a pocket veto of the border fence. Possibly because actual Americans demand actual toilet facilities as opposed to wiping their backsides with the green, leafy vegetables other Americans will end up eating.

Republicans do not deserve re-election. Among other things, they've as much as told us to eat shit and die.

MSM UPDATE: It's not Mexican workers, it cows. Although...
Health officials exploring other possible routes of transmission have not ruled out contamination of irrigation water, improper farmworker sanitation, or bacteria spread through tainted fertilizer or dirty farm implements.

So, maybe it's not the cows. Not that you'd get that from the headline.

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