Friday, July 28, 2006
I'll bet the perp votes Democrat, and had contributed to Cynthia McKinney's (D, Araby) campaign.
UPDATE: Darn! He's not listed as a contributor. But I'll bet he does vote Democrat.
UPDATE: According to the MSM he did it bacause he was suffering from mental illness. If so, it's an illness shared by the billion other muslims who hate Israel and think murdering innocents is the best way to expres their anger. And hey, don't take it from me, read what they're saying.
UPDATE: So, in the last couple of months we've had this killing, seven muslims arrested in Miami for conspiracy to bring down the Sears Tower, and seventeen muslims arrested in Canada for conspiracy to murder (by beheading, naturally) members of the Canadian Parliament. I remember when Timothy McVeigh pulled his stunt and all the blame that was painted with a broad brush on conservatives, from Rush Limbaugh on down. Why are we not seeing the same tarring-and-feathering here? Why are these murderers and putative muderers either non-topics or mentally ill? Probably because of the beheading thing, but when did the religion that wants to kill us all become so politically correct? I vote that we gather up all the non-citizen muslims in this country and send them back to the middens they came from. Any muslim citizen who commits an atrocity needs to be on a fast trck to hell. Teach them the only way they'll learn: through pure naked force.
UPDATE: Darn! He's not listed as a contributor. But I'll bet he does vote Democrat.
UPDATE: According to the MSM he did it bacause he was suffering from mental illness. If so, it's an illness shared by the billion other muslims who hate Israel and think murdering innocents is the best way to expres their anger. And hey, don't take it from me, read what they're saying.
UPDATE: So, in the last couple of months we've had this killing, seven muslims arrested in Miami for conspiracy to bring down the Sears Tower, and seventeen muslims arrested in Canada for conspiracy to murder (by beheading, naturally) members of the Canadian Parliament. I remember when Timothy McVeigh pulled his stunt and all the blame that was painted with a broad brush on conservatives, from Rush Limbaugh on down. Why are we not seeing the same tarring-and-feathering here? Why are these murderers and putative muderers either non-topics or mentally ill? Probably because of the beheading thing, but when did the religion that wants to kill us all become so politically correct? I vote that we gather up all the non-citizen muslims in this country and send them back to the middens they came from. Any muslim citizen who commits an atrocity needs to be on a fast trck to hell. Teach them the only way they'll learn: through pure naked force.
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