
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Here in DeKalb County we have a Democrat Primary coming up in just over a week. Time to take a look at what's going to happen.

Oh, and BTW, no need to cover the Republican Primary. Given the composition of the county (black Democrats on the south side, guilty rich Emory liberal Democrats in the center, mix of well-off Democrats and Republicans in the north), a Republican has a snowball's chance in hell, so it'd be a waste of time to talk about it.

Besides, let's face it, the fun part of the election is Cynthia McKinney, who's now advertising an anti-US screed - written, surprise, surprise, by a BBC reporter - on her campaign website. Mouse around her website long enough and you'll find Republicans referred to as "cracker-crats". Let a Republican try reciprocity and the screams of outrage would raise roofs. Ho hum.

Whoah! Looks like other people caught the "cracker-crat" thing. None of the local news channels (surprise, surprise) have picked up on this.

More of McKinney's outrages here.

Anyway, enough about our favorite Sideshow Bob, whose main accomplishment in life has been to get a road named after herself. Oh, and demand the TRUTH about Tupac! On to the contenders.

First, let's take a look John Coyne. Sorry, but an obvious loser. Why? Well, though his stands on various issues are standard Democrat, he's white, and there's a very high level of black-on-white racism in majority-black DeKalb County. He hasn't a chance.

On to Hank Johnson. Black? Check. His site has a lot of pizazz. Certainly better than Coyne's. Or McKinney's, actually. I mean, he actually has a campaign song. Well, so has Cynthia, but hers is "Why can't We be Friends?" Which says it all.

My gut? McKinney's going to win. Johnson's site mocks her for avoiding the debates, but all that means is that she avoided a chance to be mocked in a very public forum. She's been flying under the radar since she assaulted that Capitol Hill police officer, and I just don't sense the outrage that got her voted out in 2002. Mind you, I'd also guess that most of her constituents enjoyed the idea of a black woman assaulting a white man.

When it comes to DeKalb, just accept the black-on-white racism. That predicts a McKinney victory.

The primary election results will tell.

You certainly do raise a big stink when the tables are turned. Granted, black on white racism is nothing to promote but I can't seem to recall you ever getting outraged at white on black racism. Lets see your blood boil when someone who isn't white is served an injustice. I won't hold my breath for that blog entry.

As a fellow republican I hate to say it but your once entertaining blog is deteriorating into a bitter anti-black, anti-muslim tirade. If you hate minorities that much then why did you move to a county that is 56% African-American?
I don't hate anyone. Well, ok, mean people. So there.

I don't generally post about white-on-black racism because (a) it doesn't really happen around here, and (b) when it does, there are lots of other people who shriek outrage.

I live in DeKalb county because, hey, someone's got to speak truth to black power, and if you're not living in the belly of the beast, what standing have you? What would you prefer? Some sort of American apartheid, where whites live with whites, and blacks live with blacks?

Like it or not, the muslim world is at war with the rest of the world. I don't want to see it win because, frankly, I like my head where it is. To the extent that I can mock, point out hypocrisy, or be outraged, I will. The alternative is Zarqawi at the door.

Your mentality interests me. In response to a clear-eyed assessment about the upcoming US House primary elections in DeKalb, you accuse me of being anti-black and anti-muslim, of hating minorities (while living in a MAJORITY black county), and hint that maybe I ought to be living elsewhere.

*And* you call yourself a "republican" (note the small "R"). Your ass (as in donkey) end is showing. (Call if you need an explanation.)
It's possible to be a republican, with whatever capitalization you prefer, without subscribing to neoconservative ideas. Whatever happened to a smaller government? If my ass end is showing it's because I'm disgusted with the current state of afairs. You can sputter "you're with us or against us" all you want but I refuse to defend every decision that is made just because a bill was authored by a guy with an {R} preceding his name on C-SPAN.

It's so refreshing to see that you've selflessly decided to "live right in the heart of it" to "speak the truth to black power". Given that white on black racism "doesn't really happen" where you live it's okay.

Just because you live in a "MAJORITY black county" does not mean you aren't racist.

You remind me of the people on this site:
I'm afraid that anger is disabling your higher mental functions. If I were you I'd think a bit before my next post, for fear of going over the edge and looking like a complete moonbat.
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