
Saturday, June 10, 2006

As we contemplate the "racial tension" in Pelosi's decision, let's remember that Congressman William Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana, commandeered to Army trucks to move his personal property out of The Chocolate City (New Orleans, for those of you who haven't been following Ray Nagin). This while the MSM was whipping up a storm over conditions at the Superdome, and howling that New Orleans be evacuated.

I guess that if you'll stand on the shoulders of a drowning man to save, not yourself, but your property, you'll use anything, including "racial tension" to save your venal, guilty backside. (Oh, and BTW, have we seen any comparison between the behaviour of Congressman William Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana, and Congressman Tom DeLay, Republican, Texas?)

Anyway, speaking of venal, can you *believe* that the people of New Orleans actually re-elected this incompetent racist?

The next time New Orleans floods, let it sink. It's been around too long for any good it have been doing. Lst it sink, I say, and let us have done with it. In the name of God, let it go!

Regarding New Orleans, You might want to reconsider your thoughts, that it hasn't done any good. It is one of the most enjoyable cities in the US. The is food delightful, the music memorable and the culture lovely and enjoyable. I would encourage you to look for and experience the positive.
i'm curious-- what sort of fun is it, pretending to decide which cities live and which cities die?
Well, here's the deal: the government of the visty of New Orleans is utterly corrupt and incompetent. I mean, it failed utterly to maintin the dykes that protect the city.

With a hurricane bearing down on the city, the mayor failed to use hundreds of school buses to evacuate the city. Actually, he fled to Baton Rouge and holed up.

So, having failed to prepare, and having abandoned the city in its hour of need, the Mayor gets re-elected.

Really, I don't blame Ray Nagin. Politicians are chancers. Its the voters that really ought to bear the blame here. I mean, they voted him back in, despite a proven record of incompetence.

So, I don't pretend to decide what cities live or die, I just say that some cities vote themselves out of existence. IMHO, New Orleans just did that.
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