
Monday, January 02, 2006

Predicions for this year:

Iran gets bombed. By Israel. By America. By Americans in Israeli clothing. By Israelis with American help. By the world's greatest democracy and the Middle East's longest-lived democracy. Whatever the cover, Iran gets bombed.

Technology will be huge. Buy technology mutual funds now.

Iraq will manage its internal security. So American troops can menace Syria and Iran. Iran. The country with Afghanistan on one side, and Iraq on the other.

The Republicans will continue to hold the Senate and House. Though, God knows, they don't deserve to, the venal bastards.

Europe's going to start waking up to its inability to defend itself. Result? I expect a smarmy warming of relations, as Europe realizes its ongoing demographic suicide, and America comforts Europe on its deathbed.

America forms closer relations with India. Closer *defense* relations.

China fails - yet again - to take back its renegade province.

America begins talking to Russia about buying parts of Siberia. Alaska, part two.

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