
Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Wow! Now that's a rant!

This is a clear sign that the RNC is going spectacularly well.

What's *really* funny about this is that the Democrats did everything they did to try to make the RNC a disaster. Soros contributing tens of millions to 527s, Hillary, Daschle, et al., telling the Republicans not to make 9/11 a politicial football (9/11 Commission, anyone?), hippies shipped in from all over to protest.

And yet the Republicans are looking strong and inclusive, and the protests are going nowhere. Kerry bet his campaign on four months of his life, and the bet's not paying off. Edwards' two Americas are now a joke, a place where Kerry and Edwards can flip, or flop, depending.

Up against Kerry is GWB, a man alternately described by the left as a moron or an evil genius, depending on the day and the issue. "BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED," they scream hysterically. What makes them most hysterical is that none of the slurs are sticking. The majority of the American people see that the President is doing a good job on the economy and on national security. If they pay the left any attention at all, it's mostly to wonder when it last bathed, why it hates America, where it got the trust funds, who bussed it in for the protest, and when the hell it's going to shut its whiney yap.

Look for a Republican landslide in November. Bush will win with about 58% of the popular vote.

UPDATE: Have you noticed that the (moderated) comments on the rant are in lock-step with the author and the Democratic Party? Democrat diversity is a bunch of aging hippies agreeing with each other.

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