
Monday, September 06, 2004

Want a sign of European decadence?

Well, this guy still hasn't been deported from the UK.

Here's what the local Member of Parliament (MP) has to say:

"Andrew Dismore, the Labour MP for Hendon, was infuriated by Mr Mohammed's comments. 'That sounds to me like incitement and I will report him to Scotland Yard,' he said. 'It is an insult to most moderate Muslims, who are sick of people like this claiming to represent them."

Go that?

"I will report him to Scotland Yard." Not "I will have his guts for garters," but "I will report him to Scotland Yard." This guy's going to be calling the cops when the planes crash into Canary Wharf. After the mass murder, he'll lead a candlelight vigil. Christ, he deserves the dhimmi status he'll have!

And then there's this "insult to most moderate Muslims," who mostly remain absent without leave during the war on terror. Are there actually any moderate Muslims? If there are, I've not heard from them. At some point, silence does start to look an awful lot like consent.

Finally, where are the patchouli-scented trust-babies on all this? I mean, you will note that there were world-wide protests against the prospect of an American invasion of Iraq. In the face of hundreds of dead children, these same protestors only sip their lattes and shrug.

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