
Monday, September 06, 2004

Even Clinton's telling Kerry to pass on the whole Vietnam thing.

Too late, I'm afraid. The Chechens have given us a reminder of what we face, and nobody wants to see another Islamofascist strike in this country. Kerry's already terminally-damaged goods, and an attempt to distract with other issues will be seen as just that.

Kerry just spun himself into the ground. He had help - some Republican - but he chose his ground and his issues and he's been made into mincemeat.

I predict the Democrats are going to change their primary process to keep out the lunatic left. They almost got Dean, but at the last minute realized his complete unelectability. In panic, they picked Kerry, and bought a pig in a poke. The key problem was the compressed scedule of the primaries. This will change. The primaries will be stretched out, with a lot more involvement from those not convinced that Marx had it right.

On a related note, I remember once reading that Clinton - in his own words - had finagled his way out of having to go to Vietnam in order to retain his viability within the political system. Strikes me that this may have been a common discussion of Clinton and his fellow-travellers. Clinton did the ROTC thing at the University of Arkansas before skipping off to England. He managed to finesse the draft without having to run to Canada.

Kerry went to Vietnam and then got out as quickly as he could. When he got back he did everything he could to buy his way into the left. He too retained his viability within the political system.

I wonder if anyone's ever investigated this meme?

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