
Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Kerry's campagin is over. In fact, we may even see him back out of the nomination before the general election.

Why? Because of his Vietnam record.

It's all sooooooo funny. The Democrats decided the Iraq war was a wedge issue that could be dealt with by getting Kerry to report for duty. That in itself turned the convention into a failure. You had three days of social and domestic issues - upon which the Democrats might be able to win, and which the base just eats up - and on the fourth day you bring out the band playing Souza bits and put a saluting poodle up on the stand. The Democrats think the Vietnam war was an evil thing which exposed America's to-the-bone nastiness and unfitness for existence. They've been protraying Iraq as a second Vietnam. So what do they do on the fourth day of the convention? Why, trot out Vietnam. Bummer, dude.

Kerry's speech was not about his 20 years in the Senate, not about his time as Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, not even about how he's managed to seduce two - count them, *two* - ultra-rich women, but about his four months in Vietnam.

He ran on that, and now he's being challenged on it, and what do we find?

Well, two of the Purple Hearts were for scratches. The Silver Star was for shooting a fleeing enemy soldier in the back. There were double-secret missions that nobody else knows about.

This guy is starting to look like a compulsive liar. And it's going to kill his chances at the Presidency.

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