
Sunday, January 25, 2004

Take a look at this puff piece of propaganda for the Democratic party.

Why are the Democrats losing the South?

Here's one reason: Right now the remaining Democrat candidates for President are (in no particular order) Haughty French Guy, The Shout Remix, General Ripper, Secretary of Peace, Incitement to Violence, Rich Trial Lawyer, and Loser Adult.

Loser Adult (Lieberman, you clod) is a loser in the sense that he can't make it through the Democratic primaries. He just isn't anti...Bush enough. The rest, well, the caricatures speak for themselves. Like it or not, that's how Southerners see them. Given the choice between this rabble and a genuine swaggering cowboy who's willing to stick it to Saddam, well, what's a Southerner to do?

Here's another reason. Take a look at these sentences from the puff piece:

"So where's the anger? And why in the world is he going to vote for a president based on a side issue such as which candidate hates gay marriage?

I spent a week on the road trying to figure out why traditionally Democratic rural whites have so solidly embraced a Republican Party whose economic program runs directly counter to their own interests."

Whatever he may have meant when he wrote these, here's how they come across:

"When are those dumb, homophobic crackers going to smarten up and vote for the angels instead of the devils?"

That's how it comes across. And here's the problem: this holier-than-thou, smarter-than-thou, patronizing, manichean, condescending attitude doesn't help Democrats. Doctrinaire Democrats come across like Red Guards: no deviation, on even the smallest issue, is tolerated. Deviate and you're irretrievably stupid, or bigoted, or traitorous, or all three.

And I think this is probably true: the Socialist (or "Progressive", as he styles it) end of American politics doesn't tolerate anything but total obedience.

Southerners get this and they're not going to vote for it.

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