
Friday, January 02, 2004

The people have spoken, the bastards.

I, for one, welcome our new collectivist overlords.

Here's the deal: governments want the people under their control to be unarmed. Unarmed, and preferably guilty of something. That's why they ban guns and proliferate laws. It's a great way to achieve absolute rule, as noted here.

Unfortunately for today's Brits, most of the strong ones moved to the US, to Australia, etc., a long time ago. What's left is more a flock than a people. Their mettle's bred out.

And what's sad about them is that they're the best of Old Europe. Take a train ride to from London to Paris and you'll be met by a bunch of psychotropically over-medicated, emotion-controlled, not happy, not glum.....people.

London has life and excitement. Paris is beautiful and dead. It's like the Pere Lachaise cemetary just took over the whole city. About the only life is in the Sarcelles HLMs, and it's all from North Africa, angry, and threatening a violent Islamic future for all of France.

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