
Sunday, January 11, 2004

Another liberal pundit who thinks ordinary people are stupid.

Let me rephrase that: another leftist who hates burgeois sensibilities.

It would never occur to Ms. Tucker to say that Americans are short on anger because they're long on wealth.

I mean, when you take a look at people in this country who are clasified as "poor," you'll usually find a color TV (with cable) in the house, a car - or two - in the driveway, and beer in the fridge. The low end of American cuisine - fast food - is a barely-within-reach haute cuisine in many countries of the world. As a nation we're increasingly suffering from the ills associated with obesity.

In other words, most Americans are fat, dumb (not stupid, dumb), and happy, and want to stay that way.

Americans in general find it hard to get upset with CEOs who rip people off because they already have so much. Let's face it: when you've got yours, it's kind of hard to get excited about what the other guy is doing.

Also, Americans are suspicious of angry charismatics. I mean, they have the examples of Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Stalin, Khomeini and bin Ladin. After that, they're going to follow an angry, charismatic American?!?!! I really don't think so.

Ms. Tucker says that a network of right wing pundits has killed off populist instincts. Message to Cynthia: Rush Limbaugh is a populist in his own right. He's just not your kind of populist. Got that? The fact is that American populism succeeded a long time ago. That's why we have OSHA, EEOC, and Americans charging so much for their labor that American employers are increasingly shipping jobs overseas.

Howard Dean is angry because anger is what excites the rabid end of the Democrat party. Anger's what gets him his limited popularity. Anger's what raises money so he can knock down his opponents. Anger's going to get him his nomination. Anger's going to make the Democrat party the permanent minority party, a hangout for potheads, gays, feminists, angry blacks and any other bellyacher with a nurtured grievance or unrequited gripe.

Anger's what will make the Democrats the permanent minority party.

I for one welcome this future.

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