
Thursday, December 04, 2003

This made me laugh.

Recently, some of my America-hating acquaintances were attempting to bate me over the strength of the Euro.

Bate away!

Here's the deal: Every cent the euro rises against the dollar is

- Another 100,000 gallons of French plonk that no American will ever drink.
- Another 100,000 Americans who won't be visiting France
- Another 100,000 export-based European jobs lost
- Another 100,000 export-based American jobs gained
- Etc.

This strong euro is a millstone arond the neck of European recovery and you have to be blinded by love for Europe and hate for America not to see that.

Brussels has finally caught on.

Now we're going to see all sorts of bending of European and European Union law to stabilize the currency. It's going to be an utter laugh watching them bend themselves into pretzels to preserve their bridges-to-nowhere currency.

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