Sunday, December 28, 2003
Haroon Siddiqui, the Toronto Star's editorial page editor emeritus really hates America.
What's kind of funny is just how far his take is from reality. About the distance from Toronto to Conoor, India.
For example George Bush, far from being a small man in a big job is a man who has grown in office. Far from leading America into a dark chapter, his policies are persuading Arab dictators to surrender preemptively. The Muslim world now clearly understands that if you play around with the UN, especially in the area of WMD, threaten your neighbours, and especially if you look like a threat to the US, you will end up spending a couple of months on the lam before your mug shows up on TV as you get an oral exam from a US Army medic. There aren't many maximum leaders who relish an end like this.
They all understand that if you pull an Osama - start something big against this President without having a plan B - you will go down, hard. I'll bet you that Islamofascists around the world are praying for Dean for President. Praying so hard they're sweating.
The US, far from being paranoid, is utterly resolute. Islamofascism has America united with a coalition of over 30 nations, utterly committed to making sure that airliners-as-weapons is not followed by an Islamic dirty bomb detonated somewhere in the world. This coalition doesn't include the UN - a debating club for kleptocrats - or profiteers like France and Germany, who'd watch Saddam commit mass-murder if they could make a profit on it.
Ultimately, what Haroon Siddiqui really hates is America's moral leadership. Americans are supposed to lurch from crisis to crisis in a haze of incompetence and ignorance, not liberate nations from mass-murderers.
What's kind of funny is just how far his take is from reality. About the distance from Toronto to Conoor, India.
For example George Bush, far from being a small man in a big job is a man who has grown in office. Far from leading America into a dark chapter, his policies are persuading Arab dictators to surrender preemptively. The Muslim world now clearly understands that if you play around with the UN, especially in the area of WMD, threaten your neighbours, and especially if you look like a threat to the US, you will end up spending a couple of months on the lam before your mug shows up on TV as you get an oral exam from a US Army medic. There aren't many maximum leaders who relish an end like this.
They all understand that if you pull an Osama - start something big against this President without having a plan B - you will go down, hard. I'll bet you that Islamofascists around the world are praying for Dean for President. Praying so hard they're sweating.
The US, far from being paranoid, is utterly resolute. Islamofascism has America united with a coalition of over 30 nations, utterly committed to making sure that airliners-as-weapons is not followed by an Islamic dirty bomb detonated somewhere in the world. This coalition doesn't include the UN - a debating club for kleptocrats - or profiteers like France and Germany, who'd watch Saddam commit mass-murder if they could make a profit on it.
Ultimately, what Haroon Siddiqui really hates is America's moral leadership. Americans are supposed to lurch from crisis to crisis in a haze of incompetence and ignorance, not liberate nations from mass-murderers.
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