
Sunday, November 30, 2003

This is beyond sad.

So, here we have the Saudis laughing at us.

You know, the country that provided most of the 9/11 murderers.

You know, the country that gave us Osama bin Ladin.

You know, the country that funds Islamic terrorism worldwide.

They're laughing at us.

After 9/11, after Bali, after Istanbul, they're laughing at us.

They might be better served to work out how they're going to save their own backsides from the terrorists they've been nurturing within their own borders.

It may give them a bit of a laugh to poke a bit of cheap fun at us, but I didn't see much comedy when we saved their backsides from Saddam back in ' 90 and '91. Typical Arabs: at your feet when they're afraid, at your throat when they're not. No wonder Arabs hate dogs so much: you hate to be reminded of your own swings between cringing fear and rabidity.

Here's the deal: no matter what they say, and come what may, we are here to stay in Iraq. We're going to make Iraq stable and free. We're going to make it an shining example for the rest of the world, especially the Saudi kleptocracy.

We're going to show the Arab world that its problem is not the Jews, nor the Americans, nor MOSSAD, nor the CIA, but the Saudi princes and their brother kleptocrats across the Arab world.

When the Arab masses finally realize who their real enemy is, well, I hope that those cringing thieves have plenty of cash stashed abroad, and a plane standing by to take them to it.

Otherwise, well, I'll get some entertainment from seeing the crowds drag them through the streets while rubbing shoe-soles in their faces; I'll probably switch channels when the beheadings start.

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