
Monday, November 17, 2003

The President is about to make a state visit to Great Britain, and the left is going psycho. They've been on the retreat since Grenada in 1983, and they hate it. They hate to see representative republics and capitalism in the ascendent.

Their violence is in proportion to the importance of what Blair and Bush are accomplishing.

The left wants to see capitalism and freedom brought low. The left wants defeat in Iraq. For the left to be happy American and Great Britain and their allies in Iraq have to be defeated. They're even raising money to support the remaining Baathists in Iraq. For shame!

"Boy" Assad and "Starvation" Mugabe were able to visit London with with no complaints from the left. If Bush were to pre-announce a surrender in Iraq, he'd be feted in the streets.

My belief is that neither Blair nor Bush will go wobbly. Islamofascism is going onto the trash heap of history.

The left? Well, think about this, from The Rape of the Lock:

     With earnest Eyes, and round unthinking Face,
     He first the Snuff-box open'd, then the Case,
     And thus broke out--- "My Lord, why, what the Devil?
     "Z---ds! damn the Lock! 'fore Gad, you must be civil!
     "Plague on't! 'tis past a Jest---nay prithee, Pox!
     "Give her the Hair---he spoke, and rapp'd his Box.

     It grieves me much (reply'd the Peer again)
     Who speaks so well shou'd ever speak in vain.

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