
Thursday, November 27, 2003

Amnesty Internation can go perform an impossible act on itself.

The Miami PD did exactly the right thing. These leftist pricks did a number on Seattle, and Miami was determined not to see a repeat. Now that the Miami PD has broken a couple of hippy heads to prevent the destruction of private property, Amnesty is all over the police.

Where the hell were they when Seattle was being vandalized?

To hell with them.

It's one thing that sickens me about the left: they can dish it out, but they sure can't take it. Give them half a chance and they're rioting in the streets and putting bricks through windows. Arrest them, however, and the next thing you know you've got a stinking hippy with a stinking hippy lawyer in your face.

I say give them no quarter. For the G-8 meeting in Georgia, give the police rubber bullet guns like the ones the Brits use in Northern Ireland. Then bring on the hippies. The great thing about them is that since they're so dissolute from drug abuse, you barely have to lead them when you're aiming.

Aging hippies make the best targets.

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