
Monday, November 17, 2003

1984 Alert!

So, the Government gets to collect DNA from juveniles. Juveniles! Hello!?

What's next? Automatic analysis of the samples to determine individuals with "undesirable" (as legislated) traits, followed by confinement at Gitmo?

When President McKinley was assassinated, the murderer was caught, tried, and hanged within a month. Nowadays, a murderer can rape and murder 48+ women, and get away with life in prison.

Punishment is completely failing to match crime, so criminals do whatever the hell they want. Rather than punish adequately and make examples, *all* of us get to lose our rights. All of us get to lose our fifth amendment rights against self-incrimination, when we're juveniles.

How about this as a compromise: simply hang juveniles who commit capital crimes, give adult sentences for other criminal behavior, and leave the rest of us alone.

Of course, Government isn't going to do that. Government is all about increasing its own power. Government wants something on everyone, to keep us controllable. I know there's nothing new about this insight, it just makes me sad that this sort of stuff can go on and most Americans are only worried about seeing the Paris Hilton sex video.

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