
Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Here are the 12 U.S. Senators who voted to withhold funding from our troops and our efforts in Iraq.

This is the dirty dozen whose votes stand as encouragement to every Islamic terrorist out there who thinks that America doesn't have the will to resist.

This is the noxious dozen who want to bring the Baathists back to power and condemn thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of Iraqis to certain death for cooperating with American troops in the liberation of their country.

They should be ashamed of themselves.

* Barbara Boxer (D, CA)
* Bob Graham (D, FL) (Candidate for President)
* Tom Harkin (D, IA)
* Ted Kennedy (D, MA)
* John Kerry (D, MA) (Candidate for President)
* Paul Sarbanes (D, MD)
* Frank Lautenberg (D, NJ)
* John Edwards (D, NC) (Candidate for President)
* Fritz Hollings (D, SC)
* Robert Byrd (D, WV)
* Jim Jeffords (D, VT)
* Pat Leahy (D, VT)

All Democrats. Of course.

This sums it up nicely.

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