
Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Another shoe drops.

No wonder the US is working on closer ties with Vietnam.

Although, when you read something like this:

     The European Union is the world's rising superpower,
     poised to overtake both America and Japan as the
     biggest trade and investment force in China...

You have to wonder. I mean, French bookshops are full of books like "France in Freefall," unemployment is high, the 35 hour work week is killing business, etc., etc. And that's France. Le Monde has the scoop. Germany's no better. And those Euro-based restrictions on budget deficits? Forget 'em.

Meanwhile, Spain and Poland side with the US in Iraq.

Here's the deal: economically and politically, Europe's in the toilet. It's being overrun by radicalized muslims. It's military is laughable, cradle-to-grave nanny-statism having drained the coffers long ago.

Superpower? No way. "Also-ran" is more like it.

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